
Description fournie par l'éditeur : The monthly magazine of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers. Covers a broad range of subjects related to geography in articles on people, places, cultures, adventure, responsible travel, history and science.

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Détails bibliographiques
La bibliothèque possède : janv. 2015 -
Format : Revue
Langue : anglais
Publié :
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id E00095900192
id_txt E00095900192
spelling E00095900192 Geographical Revue Description fournie par l'éditeur : The monthly magazine of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers. Covers a broad range of subjects related to geography in articles on people, places, cultures, adventure, responsible travel, history and science.
spellingShingle Geographical
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description Description fournie par l'éditeur : The monthly magazine of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers. Covers a broad range of subjects related to geography in articles on people, places, cultures, adventure, responsible travel, history and science.
issn 0016-741X
topic Géographie
topic_facet Géographie
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hierarchy_top_title Europresse
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pivot_papier_enligne 0016-741X
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