New West Indian Guide

Description fournie par l'éditeur : Publishes contributions by authors in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, England, Germany, Guyana, the Netherlands, Suriname, the United States, and Venezuela, as well as every part of the insular Caribbean. Articles cover the fields of anthropology, art, arc...

Description complète

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Détails bibliographiques
La bibliothèque possède : juin 2015 -
Format : Revue
Langue : anglais
Publié :
Sujets :
Accès en ligne : Accès Nantes Université
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Accès en ligne pour les lecteurs extérieurs : Sur place uniquement via les ordinateurs connectés au réseau de Nantes Université
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id E00095900453
id_txt E00095900453
spelling E00095900453 New West Indian Guide Revue Description fournie par l'éditeur : Publishes contributions by authors in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, England, Germany, Guyana, the Netherlands, Suriname, the United States, and Venezuela, as well as every part of the insular Caribbean. Articles cover the fields of anthropology, art, archaeology, economics, geography, geology, history, international relations, linguistics, literature, music, political science and sociology, and includes the world's most complete review section on Caribbean books - covering some 150 books each year.
New West Indian Guide
spellingShingle New West Indian Guide
New West Indian Guide
Presse générale
institution Bibliothèque Universitaire de Nantes
collection Catalogue
language anglais
format Revue
title New West Indian Guide
title_sort New West Indian Guide
title_sub New West Indian Guide
title_short New West Indian Guide
title_full New West Indian Guide
title_fullStr New West Indian Guide
New West Indian Guide
title_full_unstemmed New West Indian Guide
New West Indian Guide
journal_title_browse New West Indian Guide
description Description fournie par l'éditeur : Publishes contributions by authors in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, England, Germany, Guyana, the Netherlands, Suriname, the United States, and Venezuela, as well as every part of the insular Caribbean. Articles cover the fields of anthropology, art, archaeology, economics, geography, geology, history, international relations, linguistics, literature, music, political science and sociology, and includes the world's most complete review section on Caribbean books - covering some 150 books each year.
issn 1382-2373
topic Presse générale
topic_facet Presse générale
hierarchy_top_id E00095900000
hierarchy_top_title Europresse
hierarchy_parent_id E00095900000
hierarchy_sequence 00453
record_format bazelek
facette_ligne_rayon En ligne
public adulte
controles reseau_nu
pivot_papier_enligne 1382-2373
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