Men on the moon : collected short stories

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Détails bibliographiques
Auteur principal : Ortiz Simon J. (Auteur)
Format : Livre
Langue : anglais
Titre complet : Men on the moon : collected short stories / by Simon J. Ortiz
Publié : Tucson : The University of Arizona Press , C 1999
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (X-203 p.)
Collection : Sun tracks ; 37
Contient : Men on the moon
Home country
Howbah Indians
Kaiser and the War
The way you see horses
More than anything else in the world
Something's going on
The killing of a state cop
Where o where
The panther waits
The end of Old Horse
To change life in a good way
The San Francisco Indians
You were real, the white radical said to me
What Indians do
A story of Rios and Juan Jesus
Feeling old
3 women
Woman singing
Hiding, west of here
Pennstuwehniyaahtse : Quuti's story
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